Random thought...PEOPLE SUCK! I went riding Saturday. Some genius threw a what I think is a burned mattress spring in the woods. I did not see it and apparently hooked it. As I drove, it wrapped really tightly around the passenger wheel, brake rotor and caliper. I had put new wheels on the machine last year. They require a deep well 9/16 socket to remove. Rather than put one of my "good" sockets in my trail kit, I bought a 9/16 impact socket. I never tested it. Turns out the impact socket has a thicker construction and would not fit in the wheel! Anyway, I can't take the wheel off and only have a small pair of dikes...What a mess!! The finally tally includes two flat tires, unfix-able. The wire sliced the sidewalls. I don't think it got my cv boot (please God). My faith in humanity was partially restored when a crew of riders stopped, drove me back to my truck/trailer and helped me load this mess.
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