2024 Mountain Rendezvous: Official Thread

Added to Calendar: 17-10-24, 18-10-24, 19-10-24, 20-10-24

Yeah....but is it time to GOOOOOOO yet or what!?!?!?!
We're definitely getting closer....do you have plans to decorate your campsite? Are you going dress up? Are you thinking of a main dish, side dish, or dessert to enter in the cooking competition?? What day are you arriving?
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I know more is coming on the Cook-Off, but a little planning here - will we be able to use a charcoal grill at the fire pit this year?

That is an environmental factor that I cannot predict with 100% certainty this far out. Despite what they’ll tell us on CNN, weather does whatever it wants to ;)

Typically we know this information about a week out from the event.
I know more is coming on the Cook-Off, but a little planning here - will we be able to use a charcoal grill at the fire pit this year?
Personally I would be ready cook meals in several ways. You may have to adjust based on fuels available to season just right.

Being with the extreme fire danger here in Southern California we don't want to risk it with open flames if we don't need to. If you can summon the rain/snow :rain:cold gods to moisten the area around Camp Tahquitz prior to MRV then the ability for :campfire:hotdogmight just present itself. Until then please make plans for primarily propane/butane type cooking.
Either way, we look forward to yours and all other attendees and competitors dishes.
Personally I would be ready cook meals in several ways. You may have to adjust based on fuels available to season just right.

Being with the extreme fire danger here in Southern California we don't want to risk it with open flames if we don't need to. If you can summon the rain/snow :rain:cold gods to moisten the area around Camp Tahquitz prior to MRV then the ability for :campfire:hotdogmight just present itself. Until then please make plans for primarily propane/butane type cooking.
Either way, we look forward to yours and all other attendees and competitors dishes.
Careful - didn't we get rained on a couple of years ago?
Donated for Mandy & Ross. Added transaction to my registration.

Transaction ID: 5AU019170N2669039

Don’t forget step 2!

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