Golden Rules
-Trolling is prohibited. Don't make posts that are inflammatory just to get people riled up. Substance is the key to not being labeled a troll. If you encounter a troll, don't feed it.
-Use of offensive and inflammatory language, flaming, name calling, and humiliating or bashing members is prohibited here. Rude, combative posting and self-victimization are also prohibited.
-Do not post or solicit any kind of racism, sexual harassment, discrimination, or any behavior deemed to be intentionally abusive or inappropriate. Personal attacks are defined as Personal, Racial, Ethnic, and/or Gender based insults, slurs, or derisive comments. Do not make posts that directly, or indirectly, debase or dehumanize the opposite sex.
-This is a family site. No pornographic, sexually offensive or sexually explicit material or remarks. Simple rule, Moderators judgment applies here. We'd like for our members to be able to visit the site at work and share with friends and family without worry over any inappropriate content.