I once came upon the strangest thing I ever saw. It happened one evening when we (@Trump, @barlowrs and some other friends) were relaxing around a firepit in Escondido, I shined my flashlight at it in a ravine next to the driveway, it was big and had long black fur, crawling in the brush. I saw crawling, because it didn't look like something walking, it looked like an animal on its hands and knees!! Turned out to be Barlow in a gorilla suit trying to scare me.
I learned not to discuss things I'm afraid of with my friends.
In some part of the country there is a law forbidding the shooting of SasquatchIs it legal to shoot a Yeti?
Hey I know this, there is a lot of stuff in this world we will never understand or even know that has or does exist.
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I'm not a staff member or admin. I've just been here a while. Personally I curse worse than most sailors but I was just trying to save you some grief from using foul language on the forum. Now, if we can get back to Squatching....100acrehuphalump just for u :^)
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