Synthetic straps and rope: Dish-washing soap and water; stretch it out on the ground, not under load, and hose it down to removed debris from the inner fibers. Allow to air dry. Store.Question: once you've mucked up your strap, rope, wire, hardware, what is your process/procedure for cleaning, inspecting and storing? Particularly interested in the cleaning of mucked up straps and synth ropes. Much appreciated.
Steel rope: Dish-washing soap and water; stretch it out on the ground, not under load, and hose it down to removed debris from the inner strands/wraps. You may need to hit some spots with accumulated grease or oil with WD-40 or similar water and oil displacing/dissolving material. Allow to dry. Apply a light coating of a dry lubricant and store.
Hardware: Any cleaning agent and brush. Apply a light coating of a dry lubricant and store for metal hardware.