I dig it! Road trip is August 12-23, 2017!
So far for sure:
Road trip meandering up to Boise, ID. Meet our ladies in Boise Friday night (they're flying in). Relax and late dinner. Day and night in the city to meet folks and explore Boise, ID Saturday. Sunday drive out to Stanley, ID and camp nearby or local hotel. Drop girls off at airport in Boise on Tuesday and power drive home within a day or two (taking turns driving). I'd suggest taking off Wednesday the 23 to unpack and relax after the drive back.
We're going all out adventure. I think we're taking the Jeep (me and my brother(s)) and we're going to find some 4wheeling, high altitude lakes and other scenic things along the way up. We may do some difficult trails, but nothing gnarly (can't risk breakage).
FYI The Mayan Empire controlled entire civilizations because they could predict eclipses! This is going to be a super radical event if it forced people to bow down to the Mayan power of "controlling the sun".