It looks like the gene pool is becoming self cleaning.
Darwin at his best!
It looks like the gene pool is becoming self cleaning.
Fixed it for you.Even if none of those things came to pass:
It still would have been a Bloody Mary Morning (Willie),
Whiskey River will still take my mind. (Willie),
And I would still Like Beer (Brett Kavanaugh).
Be aware that current situation still has limited entry as enforced by LEO. Good luck and Godspeed.rolling out to panama city tomorrow to help some friends and hopefully a bunch of other people.
Correct. Also, there is HUGE devastation. They need stuff as simple as wellfare checks and road clearing to get Ems and fire into other places that aren't directly in PC. Both organizations have said that no matter where you can make it, they 110% have somewhere for you to go. I figured both of these organizations were on the ground in Matthew and Irma for us, so we can try and be there for them!Be aware that current situation still has limited entry as enforced by LEO. Good luck and Godspeed.
ETA: (I just read your other posting and realized you are going as part of recognized/organized group. Checkpoints should not be a problem for you.)
And today in inclusive California... wait, whaaattt... ?
Duh... at a cyclic rate!I like my DD214, doesn't everyone?
pfft... stupid California waiting period law...I had to wait 20 years to get mine.