The 2021 Mountain Rendezvous


Senior Staff
For the past couple of years, we’ve been restricted in our day-to-day activities. With life slowly returning back to normal and our regularly scheduled programming coming back online, we collectively decided that it’s time to get our 10th Annual Mountain Rendezvous penciled in and official at our go-to MRV location: Camp Tahquitz in Angelus Oaks, CA.


With the weather just passing through earlier in the week, all our Adventurists were greeted with the best weather we’ve had in quite some time. Temperatures all weekend were around the 60’s during the day, and a cool 30-40’s once the sun set with clear skies throughout the weekend. It was classic San Bernardino Mountain Fall weather and it couldn’t have come at a better time, including the changing colors of the trees making it such a picturesque environment...

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