Sad day (updated/our new dog)

Good to hear!

After giving up our Aussie earlier this year (she snapped at our daughter, Penny, twice), we recently decided it's time for a new buddy as well. Looking at rescues.

Save the ones you can, right? :)
We've had good luck with adopting dogs that are in the 6-12 month age group. We've had an idea of what size dog we are really getting, potential genetic physical ailments are easier to detect as well. The biggest issue we've had with our Boxer Rescues' (4 over the years) is breaking bad habits from previous owners. Not that I'm a master dog trainer, but I can usually get the point across to the dog.
We're SO looking forward to our first camping trip with her. I want to get in at least one short trip before we haul her to the King of the Hammer's event and have to live with her for a week in the camper.

We've discovered that she loves to hear herself bark for no apparent reason. We've also discovered that she has a little of Dale's dog Cooper in her, she will chew up any kind of stick that she can find, found a soft rock/clay that she brought in and made a grand mess with as well. Grandson's are coming over today to see how she does with them.
Great will always remember your old buddy, but a new pup helps the pain. I just went through the same thing, had to put done our 10 y/o lab, a new 8 week puppy helps me smile.
Another sad day for us, we had to put our 14 year old Boxer "Mac" down. The poor guys body just gave up on him. It was super tough on Machelle, he was always "her dog".
Another sad day for us, we had to put our 14 year old Boxer "Mac" down. The poor guys body just gave up on him. It was super tough on Machelle, he was always "her dog".

He was one hell of a camp dog, he will certainly be missed on misfit corner
I loved taking him to Baja with us, I'm convinced all he had to do was stand up and look out the window as I said "tengo dos perros" to the soldiers at the check points while travelling in Baja and we got a pass on an interior vehicle inspection (they always want to see the inside of the camper). He'll be missed.
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