What grows in your garden?

Potatoes are in the ground

Monday we got the potatoes plunked into the ground...alll 83 pounds of Yukon Gold seed 'taters.



Tuesday came along and delivered a good soaking rain so them starch bombs should be quite content. The bottom third of this patch not taken up by the taters will be for watermelons and cantoloupes.
Thanks Dave, when you get out this way we'll take you over to the Clanhold and send you home with whatever is in season. My Mom and Dad are the prime movers of the family plots though, we're the llabor force. Speaking of which, those old folks planted about 70 Hawaiian sweet potato sets down one row. Mmmmm.
Monday we got the potatoes plunked into the ground...all 83 pounds of Yukon Gold seed 'taters.

Picked those tasty starch bombs today...ended up with 18 bushels of Yukon Golds, Great Northern Reds and Russian Fingerlings.




Once we got home we baked up a couple of those Yukons, cooked up some homegrown corn on the cob and grilled a few venison steaks and had a dinner plate full of our own hunter/gather goodness. I love this time of year.
Right now I just have two jalapeño chili plants I've been watering here in pots. We just barely got a well right now and it's hard growing a garden when you haul water.
Its that time of the year again..Tater Plantin' Time!


What have you got in the ground for this year's growing season?
I'm not sure what I'm going to do this year. Last year I did tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeños and squash. I also have a avocado tree, orange, and lemon. The square didn't do too well and I kept getting worms on my tomatoes. Do you have any all natural tricks to keeping bugs off the plants?

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Guess what? More tater pickin'...all 25 bushels of Nortan Reds, Pontiac Reds, French Fingerlings, Gold Rush and finally Yukon Golds. Eight hours of labor but all winters worth of starchy goodness.







All done we loaded up share of the harvest and headed home for a nap...

Great photos Mark! Those look amazing - now I'm hungry again... :drool
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