Thinking About Moving to Idaho

Move to Idaho Bob. We could be neighbors. If I were rich I'd buy all the land in the area I'm looking at and start an off road community/4x4/survival school...but if you like the heat of Baja, you may not like the Idaho winters.

I lived in Cheyenne, Wyoming for six years as a kid. The big joke was you could throw your hat up against the side of the house in August and the wind would hold it there until May. Snow drifts over the roof of our single story house weren't unusual. We loved it as kids, there would be a tunnel between the house and the drift we could get through, parents hated them, they were convinced the drift was going to collapse, burying us in snow against the house. It was a chance I was willing to take...and survived!:cool:

I think I could learn to like the cold again if I didn't have a choice...but I have a choice!
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