Another option for those of you who see a lot of sand . . .
The good camping spots in the UAE and Oman come in two flavors, soft bottomless sand and solid sheets of rock. Neither are great for tent stakes.
We have had good success in both types of terrain with sand bags. We generally use fabric shopping bags (approx 20" square and about 10" wide at the bottom) and fill them on the spot when in the desert. A minute of shoveling will make a bag so heavy you can barely lift it, and then you tie it off and drag the bag into the hole you just dug. The bags hold solid in sand storms strong enough to break the fiberglass poles in the tents.
If you are not careful you can overfill the bag, and then the handles will tear off when you try to move it. Our bags are free with every purchase at a local outdoor "toy" store, so it's never a huge tragedy, and easily preventable once you get a feel for it. A bag you actually pay a buck or two for would likely hold up better. On windy days, I will roll the top of the bag down and wrap the line around the bag once to take the strain off the handles.
The bags work on rock too, but it's a lot more work to fill four bags with rocks, so we usually end up tying one end off to the vehicles.