FAQ: How to Use the Forum Software


Senior Staff
American Adventurist uses XenForo, a compelling community forum platform with a premium user experience, reliability, flexibility and security.

We provide you a FREE resource for information sharing and a direct communication tool for your use. We make connecting with other like minded Adventurists easy for you.

Once you become a Member, you need to activate your account. To use our resources you must register on the site. When you become a member you will receive an email confirmation to activate your account.

Registering on the site is just the beginning. Filling out your profile will insure you are taking advantage of all features. It also lets folks know a little bit about you. This also lets you customize what notifications you receive, and allows you to set important security features.

Accessing your Account Settings: At the top of the page, you will see your username and avatar image. Selecting it will expand your user menu, providing access to all profile settings.

Account Details: Choose how much information about yourself that you would like to share with other Members.

Avatar: No avatar is blah. We might take you more seriously if you choose one.

Location: Let us know where you are!

Website: Do you have one?

HAM callsign: List it here if you have one.

Preferences: Light or dark theme? Time zone? Content and privacy options. You can determine how often you are notified of community activity by changing these options.

Emails: Choose what emails you receive.

Notifications: Select when you are notified of community activity.

Signature: Choose one.

You can even follow or ignore other members as you see fit to manage your experience here.
Posting Pictures: How To

1. Use the ATTACH FILES button below the text box.


2. Place your cursor where you want to insert the image. Select FULL IMAGE (Do NOT use the thumbnail option).


3. Once you have your images where you want them, hit POST REPLY. Your post is now visible.
How to search for things on the Forum:

1. Use the SEARCH button in the upper right (click on the magnifying glass icon) to find things here that already exist in our database.

2. Use KEYWORDS like "transfer case" or "dispersed camping" etc.

3. I suggest starting with "titles only". If not selected, it will search entire posts across the database for your keywords.

4. Or, you can put in an authors name, or select a specific forum.

5. Once you define search parameters, your results are listed and the threads are hyper links, just click on title to go to that thread.

6. Right click on thread title and select "open in new tab", this will open that thread in a new tab while leaving your results list in this tab for you to select and read another.

Now, follow the thread down the Rabbit Hole and enjoy!

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