Any fish keeping fans here?

Thanks for the comments. The pond has a recirculating pump, it used to be part of a jacuzzi, pool pump. I bought the skimmer box and waterfall box, the rest I made myself.

The skimmer has one of those mesh laundry bags to catch the big stuff, leaves etc. Then the water flows thru a filter media pad then into the pump. After the pump it goes thru a UV light, then up to a pond waterfall box. In the waterfall box I put 2 mesh bags with lava rocks, to act as a biofilter. The water flows up thru the bottom of them, and then over the waterfall. I have taro, watercress, sweet potatoes, all growing in the waterfall too.

The skimmer must get cleaned out once a week or so. Just pull out the mesh bag, and filter pad, hose them off and reinstall. I pull the lavarocks out of the waterfall box and hose them out about twice a year.

I don't have any mosqueto fish, mosqueto larvae are not a problem because of the bluegill, goldfish, etc.
I could but then i would have to get an apartment to put the tank and me in after the wife blows a gasket.

You just gotta sell her on it! It can be a beautiful addition to the furniture in your home...

Ok so i finally got the Oscar out of the 3gal at the office and into the 20gal at home.

Now what to put in the 3gal? I don't think i want to do another Oscar, they grow too fast. Is there a type of African cichlid that stays under or around 2"? If not I may just keep it simple and go with a bunch of zebra danios.

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There's something fishy about this thread... nice pics, though! Friend of mine used to keep fish in several large aquariums at his house, he even had an octopus, go figure (a small one, in a separate tank). Another friend had an Oscar that killed everything else in ITS tank, so we named it "Sid Fish-ious" after the Pistols clown. Brother of mine once dated a gal who wrote a book called SCHOOL OF FISH, all about aquarium maintenance. Pretty comprehensive book for those who want to know more about aquarium maintenance... a hand can inadvertently kill many fish through improper PH levels, improper salinity, mixing the wrong kind of fish together, etc., etc., etc. If I had more time to devote to it, I might get an aquarium, there are many available on Craigslist, but I reckon if I did, my two cats would also go online and mysteriously acquire rods and nets (using MY credit card, no doubt). Then they'd start drinking my beer as they swapped lies about the fish they caught, and I can't have that going on, it sets a bad precedent. Well, I'm off to T.J. this morning, never did go last week, got too busy doing other stuff, so I'm heading down there today... going to T.J. is scary enough in itself, but going on Halloween??? "YIKES!!!" The costume part is easy: I'm going as a PINCHE GRINGO!!! Got it down pat, too, the whole routine associated with my costume. ADIOS, Y'ALL HAVE A HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! If y'all don't hear from me within three days, send an ambulance chaser... er, I mean LAWYER, down to La Mesa Penitentiary, 10-4? HASTA LUEGO, ADVENTURISTS!!! Now, where did I put my Bowie Knife??? (Firearms and ammo are illegal in Mexico, don'tcha know?) Ah, there it is, just where I left it, right in the chest of the perp who tried to break in last night, LOL. VAMONOS, MUCHACHOS!!!
Ok so i finally got the Oscar out of the 3gal at the office and into the 20gal at home.

Now what to put in the 3gal? I don't think i want to do another Oscar, they grow too fast. Is there a type of African cichlid that stays under or around 2"? If not I may just keep it simple and go with a bunch of zebra danios.

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Try 1 betta and one or two African Dwarf Frogs. Neither are messy and 3 gal is ok without overcrowding. That Oscar will eventually need at least a 55gal tank for just himself.
Switched my tanks up some, moved my goldfish.

55g Tank
2 Black Moors, 2 Ryukin, 1 Ryukin Calico, 1 common, 1 Koi, 1 Pleco

36g Bow Front

2 Veil Angelfish, 1 Red Shoulder Severum, 1 Golden Gourami, 1 Blue Gourami, 1 Banded Gourami, 1 Brown Knifefish, 1 Ocellated Spiny Eel, 1 Pleco

5g Bow Front

4 African Dwarf Frogs, 1 Crowntail Betta
Just upgraded to a 125g tank for my tropical fish! Great deal on used tank, clock on wall is going to be moved and some pics from Georgia Aquarium will be put there.
I'll add to this thread :)

I used to have a Bluegill in a 10gallon which easily overgrew it. It was fun watching him eat the little feeder fish. Gave him and the 10gallon tank to a friend.

Upgraded to a 20gallon. Had a 7 Clown Loaches, one giant feeder goldfish I kept from the Bluegill days and grew but donated to local fish store, 6 zebra danio's, 5 Bala Sharks (one grew over 6" before he jumped out and died), 2 chinese algae eaters, 3 killifish. They all died except for one of the first clown loaches i got.

My poor Bala shark who jumped out of the bucket while I was cleaning the tank.

I currently have a 40 gallon freshwater.

- 1 Clown Loach (approx 8 years old, one the original batch)
- 1 High Fin Spotted Pleco
- 5 Giant Danio's
- 6 Pristella Tetra (I had 14)
- 4 Serpae Tetra (I had 8)

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