My trailer is an open bed. I found a few Pelican and Hardigg cases on military surplus. The Pelican cases came with two levels of velcro dividers that turned out to be very sturdy. The top section comes out to get at the cast iron, but provides ample organization to minimize hunting through items packed on top of other items.
Only problem with military surplus is that you get far more than just what you are looking for. A few weeks on CL and a garage sale getting rid of the extra less sturdy cases, I ended up spending @$200 for 2 Pelican cases and 3 Hardigg cases of various sizes. All have been weather and dust proof so far. I use these for my kitchen, dry goods, bedding, and a smaller one gets used to stow recovery gear.
Only problem with military surplus is that you get far more than just what you are looking for. A few weeks on CL and a garage sale getting rid of the extra less sturdy cases, I ended up spending @$200 for 2 Pelican cases and 3 Hardigg cases of various sizes. All have been weather and dust proof so far. I use these for my kitchen, dry goods, bedding, and a smaller one gets used to stow recovery gear.