Omar Guzman
Omar G.
Transaction ID: 0XX05195DM682321N
Omar G.
Transaction ID: 0XX05195DM682321N
You are in!!
Hate to send this note but I am withdrawing for the Mountain Rendezvous event this year. I was able to get a spot on Bob Wohlers Death Valley tour OCT 26-29. My wife is making me pick one or the other, so until 2023 ...
Please offer my spot to next in line. Have a great one, thx.
wally k
Omar G.
Transaction ID: 0XX05195DM682321N
Looking forward to this event. Please add us to the list. Thanks
Transaction ID
Transaction ID: I-523BVNVKTC7E
Steve and Melanie Kramme
Stoked to join this year! Transaction ID: 1JP63642BK282284F
Any t-shirts on this one ?
I just spoke to Ranger Joe up at the camp and he confirmed that other than a few minor repairs the fire pits are holding up great. He did mention that many of the groups like to use dutch ovens. As you all know, the fire regulations normally prevent the use of coals, so they are using them on the fire pits. He suggested that if people wanted to donate something they could use 4-6 of the Camp Chef dutch oven domes to go with the pits they have.
If anyone is interested in donating a dome, please let me know.
I just spoke to Ranger Joe up at the camp and he confirmed that other than a few minor repairs the fire pits are holding up great. He did mention that many of the groups like to use dutch ovens. As you all know, the fire regulations normally prevent the use of coals, so they are using them on the fire pits. He suggested that if people wanted to donate something they could use 4-6 of the Camp Chef dutch oven domes to go with the pits they have.
If anyone is interested in donating a dome, please let me know.
How would you like us to donate for this cause? I’ll buy one. Can I just bring an extra $60 to the event?
@Stuart you catch this?We will participate in the pot luck, with a side dish. It's Dee's Beacon Fried Corn!!