Thank you SirSuper nice setup man! Love your rig
Sent from my Roof Top Tent
Thank you SirSuper nice setup man! Love your rig
Very nice Scott!
Excellent setup on your JKU. Impressed on the quality of gear you chose and the execution. Jeeps are great tools, but can be a challenge in the cargo department! The Manley is great as well. Trailers are definitely a game changer for Jeep based overlanding. Kudos to you!!
Your opening post was wonderful, very funny, informative and inspirational at the same time. Great build no doubt it's not done yet LOL.
Your wife's a Saint, take good care of her!
See you down the road/ditch/woods,
I really like your rig man, nice setup. Well thought out and executed. My JKU serves daily duty (gotta haul those groceries) so loading the cargo bay with such goodies isn't an option for me. Hoping to cram that stuff into an OR trailer.