What did this?


Founding Member
So I walking the dog on my property and notice this tree.
1. Over 12 feet tall and stripped of bark.
2. Large chunks of dark at base
photo 3.jpg

photo 2.jpg

photo 1.jpg

I assume insect, but the large chunks of bark and no other trees damaged makes me wonder...
*Adjusts Nerd Glasses*....harrumph... What you are seeing good sir is the results of the feeding habits of the Dryocopus Pileatus of the order Piciformes and family Picidea, also known as the Pileated Woodpecker. More commonly known in more humble circles as the Cock of the Woods.


Basically one big assed woodpecker about the size of a crow. They hammer away at dead trees to get to the grubby, insecty goodness within those decaying boles leaving wood chips and debris in their wake...


So its safe to unlock the door and put down that hog leg, the Capers women and yourself are quite safe. Than again it could be proof of a 'squatch or so I've seen on TV. Really What else could it be?
you know what a woodpecker can do that a man cant?

whistle through his pecker!

(sorry in advance if that offends anyone)
When I see very large stripped tree like this, I would say porcupine.

Please check for quills and report back.
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