All too often I see people using a impact wrench tightening down lug nuts. This is a very easy way to break or at least weaken your wheel studs. You should ALWAYS use a torque wrench. You can even break them by hand. The FSM for my Tacoma specifies 85ft lbs on lugs. It is possible to turn them a lot more than that but the Toyota gods say 85. As a rule of thumb I only use my impact wrench to loosen stubborn nuts and bolts. You can use it to turn things up until it stops free spinning, when it makes its first "impact" it means its time to get out the torque wrench. It seems humorous to me that the gods have torque specs for everything, but they do. I have a fairly inexpensive torque wrench ($90) they are not cheap and you get what you pay for. I got the half inch drive so I can always step down. There are three types, dial indicator (used for precise measurement, I use them on submarines, we don't want anything breaking down there.), mechanical indicator (dumbed down not very accurate) and snap type(set the desired torque and turn til it snaps) this is the type I have. So do yourself and your truck a favor and invest in one! Also, no lateral extensions allowed (cheater bars, pipes) you can only extend straight down from the drive portion without using one of these equations to correct your torque.
Good luck and happy wrenching!
Good luck and happy wrenching!