So I'm at Home Depot


It's Saturday, at Home Depot buying some stainless steel hardware to fasten my new tray for the Honda 2000i generator that I can't afford yet. I'm using SS fasteners so they won't rust (of course these are made in China so they're junk and will).


I bring my treasure to the counter and find out the 1/4 x 20 x 1.25" cap screws cost .65 cents each, to much, but money's no object when it comes to my trailer! Or so I thought.Then I see that the thin 1/4" SS washers cost .20 cents each, guy behind me is watching and says "Damn", you could drill a hole in a dime and save .10 cents each!
On the way home I get a roll of dimes...


No rust, and made in the USA

I drilled a couple penny's, for when I'm feeling cheap.
For those of you that are worried about defacing US currency, Pesos will work, you need a MUCH sharper drill bit because they're MUCH harder!
Just a little DYI.

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It's Saturday, at Home Depot buying some stainless steel hardware to fasten my new tray for the Honda 2000i generator that I can't afford yet. I'm using SS fasteners so they won't rust (of course these are made in China so they're junk and will).


I bring my treasure to the counter and find out the 1/4 x 20 x 1.25" cap screws cost .65 cents each, to much, but money's no object when it comes to my trailer!
Or so I thought.Then I see that the thin 1/4" SS washers cost .20 cents each, guy behind me is watching and says "Damn", you could drill a hole in a dime and save .10 cents each!

On the way home I get a roll of dimes...


No rust, and made in the USA

I drilled a couple penny's, for when I'm feeling cheap.
For those of you that are worried about defacing US currency, MX Pesos will work, but you need a MUCH sharper drill bit because they're MUCH harder!
Just a little DYI.

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Too funny!

Once you have the generator you'll wonder how you ever lived with out one.
OK, besides needing a genset for Air Conditioning, don't you already have solar power? I'm not hating on generators, but your trailer should be easily powered by a single battery and an 85-100w solar panel?
OK, besides needing a genset for Air Conditioning, don't you already have solar power? I'm not hating on generators, but your trailer should be easily powered by a single battery and an 85-100w solar panel?
Well yes, maybe, I don't know? It is powered by a single battery, for about 3/4 days now. But, think BIG screen TV and A Jacuzzi?
I guess a generator costs more, soooo?
And I already made the tray? And fastened to the fender with stainless steel nuts and bolts?
I apologize I wasn't thinking about the one eyed/left-handed snail darters, whales, and baby seals, jeezz how could I forget the baby seals?
OK Damn it you win, I'll look in to solar and wind power.
Please don't tell Uncle Bernie.

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You don't have to justify yourself to me! I just thought you already had solar power and were going to a generator in addition to that power source.
While solar is nice, it involves a lot more wiring and takes a lot longer to charge that battery. Plus a genset is more flexible allowing the blender, small microwave or tailgating!
Dibs on first blended margarita!
I've proven to myself that I can run the Vanagon off of the solar panel and house battery for 5-6 days easily. That being said, I still picked up one of the cheap HF 2 stroke 800W generators. Not fancy, but I've checked and the generator will power both the refrigerator on 120V as well as the 1.5A battery charger for the house battery at the same time. Haven't needed it so far, but nice to have the option. Plus in an iffy situation it gives me the ability to start the van from a flat battery in the middle of night without needing any outside assistance.
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