Skifari 2016!!!!


Skifari 2016 is coming to a California resort near you!!!!

With the Super El Nino predicted this year I thought this would be fitting!

Skifari is a ski bum trip that moves from resort to resort getting the most ski bang for the buck!

This year we will be starting at Mammoth Mountain on Sunday January 31st spending two days exploring, skiing and having a kick ass time. Monday February 1st in the afternoon we move onto Kirkwood just a few hours north for two more days of skiing and riding. On February 3rd in the afternoon we head further north to Squaw Valley USA for one more day, if your legs can handle it!!

Skifari is truly a bum trip! Sleeping and camping in your truck! Most years we camp right at the resort but in California this is not acceptable so the next best thing is the snow parks located within a few miles of the resorts.

A typical day starts like this: wake up 7 am brew up some coffee get your gear on have a quick breakfast and be in the lift line by 8:45. Ski till lunch time either at the trucks or in one of the bars depending on the weather. Ski after lunch till 3 or 4 and head back to the snow park or move to the next resort. Most nights consist of a bon fire and beers.

Last year we headed north and skied in B.C.! We started at Big White then to Silver Star Mountain, Revelstoke for two days then finished off a Sun Peaks. I can tell you five days in a row will kick your ass!

The two day stop was adopted last year and worked out well so I decided to cut down on the moving and more on the skiing in the same place. Besides you don't get a good feel for a hill in one day.

So please post up and let me know what you think!!!

Mike, aka Washington Taco
Skifari is just a few weeks away!!!


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So the lift tickets are bought and we will be skiing @ Mammoth Mountain on Sunday and Monday then on to Kirkwood Tuesday and Wednesday next week! Hoping to stealth camp near the resorts but if not we'll be camping at the nearest snow park. PM me here if you want to meet up!
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