Been looking for a shower floor surface and not a fan of the heavy gazillion dollar wood ones so I've been looking at the interlocking comfort flooring tiles at Costco. They are 1/2" thick and
24" x24"and made of a foam type of material. Benefits are non absorbant,light, cheap, easily transported,can be rolled or folded smaller, easily cleaned and perhaps the biggest plus is repurposed to lay on while under a vehicle or to pad needed items. Well, today I jumped off the bridge so to speak and bought a pack for 12 bucks. There are enough for 4 units of 2 each which gives a supported area of 2'x4" which should fit inside most of the privy showers. Hell I can stand on 1 and take a shower. which brings us to the point of I'm willing to give they other 6 mats away gratis. Anyone interested in the San Diego area?
24" x24"and made of a foam type of material. Benefits are non absorbant,light, cheap, easily transported,can be rolled or folded smaller, easily cleaned and perhaps the biggest plus is repurposed to lay on while under a vehicle or to pad needed items. Well, today I jumped off the bridge so to speak and bought a pack for 12 bucks. There are enough for 4 units of 2 each which gives a supported area of 2'x4" which should fit inside most of the privy showers. Hell I can stand on 1 and take a shower. which brings us to the point of I'm willing to give they other 6 mats away gratis. Anyone interested in the San Diego area?