Ram mount for Nexus7


I have been debating on the best off-road GPS system for a while. I finally decided on a tablet with the Gaia GPS app and a sturdy cradle. I had a little time this afternoon to install the system and test it out.


The cradle is a Ram Mount Nexus7 mount with the flexible seat bracket. The bar is actually a solid aluminum rod that you bend into place for semi-permanent placememt.


A few turns with the socket mounts the bracket to the front seat rail bolt.


A USB cigarette lighter adapter, USB cable, and some wire management finishes odd the install.


I used the Gaia GPS app extensively on several road trips with the downloaded maps and it was very accurate. All my land navigation experience has involved a topo map and compass so regular Garmin GPS doesn't cut it. I want grids and real maps. I plan on adding a Dual XGPS 160 to the system soon
Nice setup. I use Gaia on my iPad mini. For Nexus 7 I'd also look at Backcountry Navigator, great app.
The Nexus 7 is a great size. It's a shame that they seem to be moving towards larger tablets in general.

I've been running a slick little RAM mount for my iPhone in the truck. Love it, especially with maps loaded into Motion X and GPS kit.

I may need to play around with Gaia and Backcountry nav on the Nexus to see if I like that even better.
I use the same mount with an iPad2 in my company car. Works great but I did have to add a back brace (coat hanger wire) from the top of the mount back to the dash to eliminate some shaking. The iPad2 is heavy!....... I see you have your tablet in the vertical position; are you having any problems with viewing while wearing polarized sunglasses? I've ordered the parts from RAM to mount the tablet in my Tacoma utilizing a Tech Deck. If the iPad proves to be a bit heavy for it I'll go with a floor mounted system and save the Tech Deck for my phone and possibly a future Garmin GPS. I use MotionX and Gaia, like them both.

Richard Bush, N6RFB
Corona, CA
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