Any recommendations for a app for offline off road mapping for the iPad mini
I'm in the market for a app for the iPad mini and was hoping someone could offer some recommendations for offline off road travel. I may also consider a decently inexpensive gps system. Thanks
Lots of very good threads on Portal on this subject. I think the one most widely used is MotionX from the research I've done as I'm looking into an ipad or ipad mini to replace my Garmin Montana (aging eyes can't read the smaller screen of the Montana!). You do need to download the areas you go to when you've got internet access to be able to use it w/o internet/cell service prior to your trips. Your mini does need to be cellular capable so it's got the GPS chipset.
Search on MotionX on Expedition Portal and you'll uncover a treasure of information. Pay particular attention to posts from RobRed and find his link to his blog. Tons more info there on GPS software for your mini. Here are two good ones.
Check out Scenic Maps regional versions stays resident ( no ongoing downloads after the initial install) costs a Kings ransom a whole $10. Wish I knew you were in the market I could've demo'd mine for you at Expo.