New Weathertight Storage Bins From Ziploc


I had to stop at Wallyworld this morning when I got out of work to pick up a few things. I always like to take a trip down the plastic bin aisle to see if there is anything new. There was today! They had these weather tight bins made by Ziploc. The ones that were in the store were black. They seemed well built and fairly durable. They also seem to stack together firmly.
I found this on the Walmart website:
There were a couple other bundles of them too on there.
Seeing I work for SC Johnson making Ziploc bags, I am going to see if they have any of these in our company store next week. I hadn't heard anything about these through work but stuff slips by me sometimes.
I will be picking some up. It is just a matter of seeing if I can get them cheaper through our store or not. They seemed pretty well-built. There is a foam seal up under the lip I forgot to mention!
American made to boot. Impregnate the foam seal with some hot axe, and you can improve it even more.
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I don't know Jay, I wouldn't argue with a man who resorts to primal instruments of destruction when he's on a mission to perfect a water and dust tight seal.
You just have to do it correctly. First, the axe must be at least 1000 years or older, and have reduced at least one monastery to a bloody heap. Then, you melt it down, and sacrifice a divine woodchuck over the crucible, and pour into the foam. Really simple actually. If you need the right axe, you can borrow my time traveling banana hammock, just wash it afterwards.

Or, perhaps you could pour some molton wax on the seal. Whichever

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I was trying to be funny, when I read libarata's post and it's minor typo, I had a mental image of a axe hitting the plastic container....
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