Kid Stories

ol' scott

Founding Member
So the wife and I had the honor of taking our first born to the ER yesterday. My wife had the youngster (five months old next Monday) in a front baby carrier (think "The Hangover" I guess) and when she went to shut the hatch she hit him in the head with the door. A few frantic phone calls later and she's driving him to the hospital and I'm running to meet her there. Five hours and a CT scan later and we get the "all is well" from the doc. Never any real worries but certainly enough to put a jolt into you. I'm sure there will be many more to come but I imagine the first is always the most memorable.

Here is the boy at around two and a half months old.


Any good stories about your kids or when you were a kid?
My son Cameron was a handful his first year. It was made worse by the fact that our first born, Allison was so drama free her first year. But Cam was fussy and worked hard to earn the knickname name "Mr. Poopydrawers". He "finest" moment to fully cement that moniker happened in the Millcreek Mall in Erie, PA. Lets just say that the one piece long sleeved and long legged outfit he was wearing had his efforts seeping out of every cuff and access hole. What followed was a sink side bath and the purchase of a new outfit as we forgot to bring a spare into the Mall with us. Cam just loves this story and when he sees it he's gonna channel his ancestors and go medieval on me...or at least try....:D
Yeah ol' "not that bloody old" Scott, BTDT. When we lived in the SF Bay Area (pronounced 'bay-ARIA') we took our son to watch the Blue Angels at Crissy Field on the Presidio. Well, 26 years ago, Paul was in his back-pack carrier and I was fetching something from the rear of our 1984 Civic Hatchback.

Leaning into the open hatch I felt a distinct "thunk" as his noggin nailed the extended hatch as I leaned into the storage area. We were both surprised, I was really sorry, and he took it like a little stud. Probably the F-18 screaming on the deck just overhead helped distract him sufficiently from the pain. Luckily no sub-arachnoid bleeds or projectile vomiting.

Graduated from college with honors, got a good job and MOVED OUT, working on his graduate degree at John Hopkins. See, everything works out... that clearly knocked some sense into his head.
My son Cameron was a handful his first year. It was made worse by the fact that our first born, Allison was so drama free her first year. But Cam was fussy and worked hard to earn the knickname name "Mr. Poopydrawers". He "finest" moment to fully cement that moniker happened in the Millcreek Mall in Erie, PA. Lets just say that the one piece long sleeved and long legged outfit he was wearing had his efforts seeping out of every cuff and access hole. What followed was a sink side bath and the purchase of a new outfit as we forgot to bring a spare into the Mall with us. Cam just loves this story and when he sees it he's gonna channel his ancestors and go medieval on me...or at least try....:D

Ahhh yes, nothing like a good code brown to rearrange your priorities...:eek:
I've got a nice scar on my forehead from when I crawled out of my crib and did a header in to the jagged rock fireplace as a wee one. Accidents happen. And supposedly chicks dig scars.
Geeze did we all bash our kids heads on something? Ok me too; when my daughter was three I bent over and picked her up and went straight over my head with her...right into the ceiling fan. BONK right on the melon, luckily it only hit her once and didn't draw any blood, tears but no blood.

Of course I did this right in front of my sister in law, the one that doesn't like me and thinks I'm a bad father.
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