Joe's first river


Got Ann and Joe out in the canoe over the weekend on Bear Creek. Despite that I have been paddling most of my life, this was Joe's first river adventure... Ann's also. We went with a group called Foothills Outdoors, who create trail races, paddling events and other such things in and around Robbins, NC. We had a great time. Joe did an excellent job, had a great time paddling 4 miles downstream. There were even a couple ripples/ class 1's to navigate.

I feel the beginning of somethng new for us.
Bear Creek paddle 2016.jpg
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Kayaks have been discussed already. We think ti will be a good way for hiim to build independence and confidence. Agree?
Kayaks have been discussed already. We think ti will be a good way for hiim to build independence and confidence. Agree?
For certain, but don't rush it. Give Joe some time to get his "sea legs" and get comfortable on the water. Flat water is best to start with short excursions with stops for fun stuff (skipping rocks, swimming, fishing and general mucking around). Have him paddle and build his arm and core strength because he will need it when he switches to a solo boat. Once he gets more confident get him on a slow creek and start teaching him to read a river. Currents, tongues, hidden obstacles and the dangers of strainers. Tandem paddling is a good way to do this. I had Cam navigate from the front and would point out lines and such and than have him lead from the front. Also teach him how to react if he goes for a swim, floating on his back with his feet downstream. we did this for all the kids and my nephew Chris had such a good time learning hiw to spill out of a canoe we had to go chase him down as he refused to stop flaoting on down the creek in his lifevest instead. Hope that helps.
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