I phone gps capabilities?

Al Swope

Founding Member
I jumped off the technology train about 7 or 8 years ago. At that point I had (have) an e-trex. I would connect it to a laptop with topo software to make trail maps. It was cumbersome to say the least. I now have a state of the art iPhone 4s! I would like to track my route, then get it on to a PC and print a map. Can this done? What app do I need? How does it get to the PC, don't say majic! I,d like to put in a topo format. Any help appreciated, use small words.
A simple solution that may work for you is using the EveryTrail app and website. You can record your track and upload it to their site from your phone, then view it there over topo maps etc. You can also download a gpx file of your track, place geo-located photos, etc. Membership on their site is free.

As verdesardog noted, battery life while running GPS full time on an iPhone isn't very long compared to a dedicated outdoor handheld GPS, and they are more prone to breakage in the field.
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I do not have either, Al. Sorry.

I have used EveryTrail as David mentioned, but without any experience using tracks.
I use MotionX GPS and have been fairly happy with it. It's not the most intuitive app there is, but it's relatively inexpensive, it works well and has downloadable/offline map support, along with OpenCycleMap topo maps. Similar to EveryTrail, you can record tracks, upload them to the MotionX website, then download the GPX or KMZ file from there. Here's one I did of an ORV park we go to a couple of times a year: http://gps.motionx.com/maps/01181143e077fbaba54fa76578859041

Like the other guys said though, running GPS on your iPhone will wear down the battery fast. For vehicle based use it's not a big issue because you and plug the phone in to charge it, but I wouldn't use one for GPS tracking while hiking/biking.
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