How to Fix Anything - In and Around the Home

Thanks for posting that link.....snow day @ home today... ait no telling what well have torn apart when the wife gets home LOL.
My dad was fond of that tactic. Wait til mom goes off for a weekend, then rearrange the furniture or better yet, cook things in the kitchen that she abhorred.
I remember one weekend, when I must have been around 8 or 9 and dad steamed up a big batch of peel 'n eats, sauteed mushrooms and roasted peanuts in the oven. By comparison, mom typically would brown any meats on the gas stove in the basement and only boil/steam veggies on the stove. We stayed up late watching 007 movies on UHF 17 (TBS).

He was also a tinkerer and built a humidifying paddle wheel contraption inside our furnace. I think he read about it in Pop Sci, but not sure. It was a ultra slow rpm motor that turned a paddle wheel made of screen door mesh through a plastic dish pan full of water. The vanes of the paddle wheel turned right in front of the intake register.
My Grandfather was like that.. the man could rebuild/ modify any thing with moving parts...a mechanical genius
Imagine being a plumber like me, every friend,family,neighbor,and loose acquaintance always has plenty of home repairs. That's why I usually just say i'm too busy.
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