Gut Road And The Jeeps

Might have to come down and check that out. I'm just northwest of York.
You definitely should its a cool little spot. I hear its illegal to go mudding but theres always a bunch of people there messing around every time I go, so I'm not sure where the gray area is in that. I tend to just stick to the upper road now and let my friends do the mudding and just take pictures. If you head down hit me up I'm always trying to get off campus and love meeting new people.
I've been to York a couple of times. Went for the PA Jeep's show one year. Drove from Missouri to York and back, won the longest distance traveled award that I didn't know they had and destroyed my tie rod and TRE's on a giant boulder field at the fair grounds in front of a few hundred people. From what I was told the front of the XJ was 3 feet in the air then came crashing back to Earth and taco'd the tie rod. All I know was I saw the sky, heard metal then heard the crowd make a collective "Ohhhhhhhh" sound. Also explored a place called the Westgate Lounge. That was a weird night that involved swimming in a pool at a Holiday Inn. Odd because I wasn't staying at a Holiday Inn. Fun times.
I've been to York a couple of times. Went for the PA Jeep's show one year. Drove from Missouri to York and back, won the longest distance traveled award that I didn't know they had and destroyed my tie rod and TRE's on a giant boulder field at the fair grounds in front of a few hundred people. From what I was told the front of the XJ was 3 feet in the air then came crashing back to Earth and taco'd the tie rod. All I know was I saw the sky, heard metal then heard the crowd make a collective "Ohhhhhhhh" sound. Also explored a place called the Westgate Lounge. That was a weird night that involved swimming in a pool at a Holiday Inn. Odd because I wasn't staying at a Holiday Inn. Fun times.

Usually we ask for pictures after trip reports like this but I think we should probably change that policy in this particular case. :cool:
I've been to York a couple of times. Went for the PA Jeep's show one year. Drove from Missouri to York and back, won the longest distance traveled award that I didn't know they had and destroyed my tie rod and TRE's on a giant boulder field at the fair grounds in front of a few hundred people. From what I was told the front of the XJ was 3 feet in the air then came crashing back to Earth and taco'd the tie rod. All I know was I saw the sky, heard metal then heard the crowd make a collective "Ohhhhhhhh" sound. Also explored a place called the Westgate Lounge. That was a weird night that involved swimming in a pool at a Holiday Inn. Odd because I wasn't staying at a Holiday Inn. Fun times.

Thats amazing lol i miss the jeep show every year because I'm at home in California for the summer :( All my buddies go and send me pictures though.... so thats cool....
I'm all for exploring new roads if they're legal.

Gut road itself is legal its an actual maintained fire road (not sure what you guys call them out east haha) that follows the river just certain parts of it are off-limits. Fun place to hang by the river and fish or chill. Go down there a lot with my hammock
I used to go to gut toad all the time. Heard the have paved part of it since my day. The best mudding to be done there and not be worried about getting into trouble legal wise is to go when the river is low and cross into the island where the side creek and river meet. In there was some of the best holes and trails. Good times. I know the land on both sides of gut road is owned by the railway and its illegal to go mudding there, buts rarely ever enforced. All this was 10 years ago...
Gut is awesome. They paved like less than a quarter of it most of it is gravel. Apparently thats how you get in the most trouble now. The only people I've heard of getting trouble were crossing the river to that island or got stuck and had no friends to pull them out and were forced to call a tow truck in which the cops would show up with them. I hiked on that island when the river was low and i could cross without getting wet and it was pretty cool over there. I don't go nearly as much as i did my freshman year and when i do i usually just kick it with the girlfriend and hammock along the river. :)
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