Fungi Treasure Found


Senior Staff
Founding Member
This weekend my wife Michelle and I were cruising the dirt roads here in our corner of the sticks when all of the sudden treasure appeared along the roadside.
Growing out of a fallen oak log was one of the nicest parcels of Chicken of the Woods mushrooms I've seen in a long time. As it was getting dark and I didn't have anything to put them in the Jeep we came back early in the morning and harvested that fungi gold. Ifin' you've never had these mushrooms you've missed out on some of the tastiest morsels out there in the woods...


We picked two containers full...


Got them cleaned up...


And then sliced and processed them before vacuum sealing them and placing them in the freezer. We did set some aside to enjoy over the next few days. This night we fried up some red potatoes out of the garden, grilled up some venision steak, sauteed a few onions and some of the Chickens too. Good stuff!

Thank you dearest Elizabeth. Whence next we meet up I'll throw some of those mushrooms in a stewpot with some critter and vegetables (maybe a little barley too). Bring some good sopping up bread to clean the bowls.
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