Don't miss the Christmas Star Monday December 21


Founding Member
On December 21 don't miss the Great Conjunction of 2020 where Jupiter and Saturn will align on the winter solstice. This will be the closest the planets will get until 2080 so don't miss it!

You can read more about it HERE.

Also, using the free SkyView App will help you find the planets using your smart phone :)
Forecast here in northern Ohio is cloudy and some snow for the next ten days. I guess I'll have to catch the next one...
Best shot I had included some of my Christmas lights, otherwise I had a medium white dot and a small white dot.

My Dad's former commander got this great shot.

This was my best photo. Rather than burn time/energy on getting the camera connected to the 'scope, I focused on letting the kiddo geek out, and I just shot her instead...

We were able to see clear rings on Saturn and four of Jupiter's moons, so I'll call it a "win".
Weather didn't work out for me. Lots of cool pics though from other people.
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