Fly swatter. Not just for ordinary flies, but mosquitos, horse flies, or whatever. I keep a cord loop on the handle and hang it off my wrist in certain high risk situations.
The little spring clips with rubberized tips and handles are handy for clipping a sheet or tarp in place for a sun shade, in camp, parked somewhere to keep the rig and/or dog cool, whatever. I keep a couple cheap white twin size sheets for covering the windows and roof if I have to set in the sun anywhere and cant let the AC run. Would also make privacy curtains in camp or with the rig. Could be handy if you came upon a bad wreck also. I havent, but a friend was at a bad wreck scene, he ended up directing traffic until the regular people that did that stuff made it to the scene. Nobody had anything to cover the guy with. Motorcycle vs car wreck, head on. Really bad.
Save the last 3/8" or so of TP on the roll, push the tube out, put in small ziplock bag for pocket carry. Snack size I think? Take many, keep in vehicle, never be without several close by.