Bumper sticker


Group W
If you're going to put a bumper sticker on your vehicle make it readable!

I like to dream of a Country with a government that respects it's citizenry, elected officials that are more interested in serving their constituents than being re-elected, laws that severely punish those that do harm to society, and a citizenry that is thoughtful, kind, and well prepared to do what it takes to defeat evil. I hope everyone dreams.

And :bacon
Have you really listened to the song? It's a great dream but unfortunately will never happen in our life times.
It is a great dream!
I believe in the dream. Some parts make me uncomfortable, but I wonder how much of that is due to actual threat or the result of institutionalized ignorance.

Specifically, the part that gets me is "imagine no possessions." Wouldn't be neat to live in a world where you could say, "I'd sure like to drive up to Alaska in a proper vehicle," and someone would say, "You can take mine so long as you're willing and able to fix anything you break. I'll meet you in Prudhoe Bay to drive it home."

And, in the interest of keeping it real, I'm gonna go on record as saying previous comments about Democrats apply equally to the entire Republican party. :)

Labels, especially those of the sweeping, bipartisan political type, do us all a disservice. They anchor us to duplicitous objectives by those who would subvert our lives for their own personal gain.

We hang together or we all hang separately.

E pluribus unum.
I believe in the dream. Some parts make me uncomfortable, but I wonder how much of that is due to actual threat or the result of institutionalized ignorance.

Specifically, the part that gets me is "imagine no possessions." Wouldn't be neat to live in a world where you could say, "I'd sure like to drive up to Alaska in a proper vehicle," and someone would say, "You can take mine so long as you're willing and able to fix anything you break. I'll meet you in Prudhoe Bay to drive it home."

And, in the interest of keeping it real, I'm gonna go on record as saying previous comments about Democrats apply equally to the entire Republican party. :)

Labels, especially those of the sweeping, bipartisan political type, do us all a disservice. They anchor us to duplicitous objectives by those who would subvert our lives for their own personal gain.

We hang together or we all hang separately.

E pluribus unum.

^^ Clearly a big John Lennon fan. :D
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