Trying to not get lost! Ara and Spirit


Rolling this ball of Life... CO

"It's a very gentle, flowing tale, a nice mix of autobiography and travelogue. Less introspective than I anticipated, I'm having a hard time putting it down actually. The fun you had writing it certainly jumps off the page. It's poignant but not sad."

Yes, it is a comment on our Book. One of them. I cannot be the judge of it, I can only read what others think of it.

We are still in Gunnison, a few more days and on we will go once again “in the middle of nowhere”. We have had the opportunity to scout the areas and considering that 80% of the land here is public, the choices are greater than ever.

We have had Friends camp with us and their huge and beautiful 30,000lb custom built Unimog! I kind of felt like David and Goliath were on display. They fed us for two days, it was such a treat not having to cook! Always is.

A ride up and down the Black Canyon of the Gunnison from which I made a video. A couple more visits into town and best of all the weather is cooperating while staying cool as we like it with low 30's in the mornings. Perfect.

Enjoy the videos, the photos and if you read our Book let us know what you think. Spirit wants to know...

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

8th Year, the Stars, living under them…

The Journal and Book information[/URL]

Lake San Cristobal. Reconnecting with Nature. CO

“Read your book over the weekend…absolutely touched my heart & spirit!!! It is one of those rare books that make you “feel” in all the right areas of your emotions and life…thank you for sharing your travels and life with all of us!!! I felt at every page that I was right there, seeing, hearing and smelling…"

“Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash”

Thank You Chris...

I know, cheap marketing but that is all I can do, afford rightly so.

We headed to Lake San Cristobal for a week on it's cliffs taking in the view and the lack of Internet! The camping was not free this time around but the sights are worth the $15 a night. Five nights actually.

Lake City has been in a total black out with Internet and I must say it was funny to walk the streets a bit, or sit on one of the benches watching the world go around, while hearing the tourists out loud wondering what they were “now going to do?”. Comments were as “will have to walk around”, “will have to take in the sights” and on and on.

The Editor of the local Newspaper even wrote on their Facebook page that the town's sidewalks were buzzing! A sign of the times... Life without Internet must be the worst punishment I think today's society could endure. I personally know a few that will have the shakes [true story] if their Internet goes down... SAD.

The area of course was familiar to us. It is a bit of a retreat just being and finding again ourselves before heading North one more time.

More photos and comments in our Journal. Enjoy.

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

8th Year, the Stars, living under them… The Journal and Book The Photos
Okay, so now I need to add Lake San Cristobal to my list of places to visit when I am in Colorado next! Internet blackout - even better, although you find a lot of that here in Wyo... ;-)

Travel safely and stay well!

A Room with a View. Colorado.

This room is actually millions of acres. Free BLM land South of Salida and hundreds of miles of unpaved roads, mostly not on any maps that I can find. Perched at 9200 feet, it is sweater and wool hat time in the evening till morning when finally the rays slowly emerge from behind the eastern horizon and warm us up. No sense getting up too early.

I have finally learned the weather pattern here which starts with blue skies and by noon almost black at times the clouds play their odd particular shapes confronting each other with often a nice downpour to cool us of even more.

How are we ever going to leave this space?

On the Fourth of July we attended a wedding in Colorado Springs. Some dear Friends or ours tied the knot. We started then heading North. It did not last too long! We made a U-turn at Castle Rock and now again back here exactly where we started. Nothing unusual for us to change our direction in an instant. It is called the freedom of time.

The photos on our Journal will prove our logic! How could we not?

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

8th Year, the Stars, living under them… The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"

Snowy Range Pass, Wyoming

It is thought that the most beautiful spaces in this country do not have Internet. It is true. We have plunged into this other world today in Laramie, Wyoming, the one where laundry can be done, provisions purchased and then on escape back up to Snowy Range Pass which has been our home for now a while. So here we are with a connection

Right! Our SPOT and SAT phones are our only lifelines "up there". Who needs anything more when everything else is provided? Miles of unpaved roads, more little lakes I can count, shade and cool weather while staying above 9000 feet. The birds singing, the smells pungent, another Paradise we had never explored in this beautiful country of ours. "Get to know your Backyard" I always say.

Here, at lower elevations, the heat is already making its mark. August coming up is always the worse month for us and that will include our friends the mosquitoes. But, September is right around the corner and WA/OR should by then be cooler. We are spending a few days traveling that month with our Editor. It should be interesting as we are both looking forward to it. I wonder if she will also correct my speech!

Very nice comments have come in regarding our book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash". Some have even already read it twice! I might even do that myself. If you have not, all the information to order it is on our Journal.

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

8th Year, the Stars, living under them…

The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"[/URL]
Love seeing these little updates. We just got back from a 2 week trip from Socal up through Oregon. It is amazing what that does to your thoughts and you mood in just a short time. Hopefully someday we will get to experience it long term in a journey like yours.
Love seeing these little updates. We just got back from a 2 week trip from Socal up through Oregon. It is amazing what that does to your thoughts and you mood in just a short time. Hopefully someday we will get to experience it long term in a journey like yours.

Slow and long term is good. Just going with the weather... Thank You.


Through Bear's Tooth Pass... WY/MT

We went up through Chief Joseph Hwy and set up camp on Bear's Tooth Pass with much anticipation and our heads up high. A few days later, the mosquitoes won and near by Ennis, Montana, is where we are. The problem was not while riding but the frustration at camp. Off fan, Skin so Soft, wrist band, camp fire, we have it all... Cannot use Deet.

On the banks of Madison river amazingly just a few of those non sense flying pesky intrusions. Spirit is happier, his freedom without a cry found again.

More destinations surrounds us including Gravelly Range Rd, the one I call "the road to nowhere". We are about 12 miles from town. Easy refueling and purchase of provisions.

Some day are good as these are considering we are only at 5500 feet and last night was around 45 degrees. Just the way we like it.

Just in case you order our Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash" we are not too far also from the Post Office! Hint... The reviews have been very favorable.

The skies are now clearing after much welcomed rain. It is time for some rides and more photos.

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

8th Year, the Stars, living under them… The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"


Montana! Gravelly Range Road and more…

Montana's roads and spaces are always exciting times especially when weather cooperating, none above 80.

Gravelly Range Road has been on top my list of favorites for a long time now and these days has been no exception. Combined with a new camping spot by Varney Bridge, about 10 miles from Ennis, and that does it for us spending over a week with a great base camp.

The sunsets have been exceptional. The photos are in the Journal. No doubt one can understand why it is here called the "Big Skies". They are indeed huge with a feel of being enveloped by them. This summer is continuing being good to us.

In the meantime I am also trying to let our Friends [you!] know about the release of our book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash". There are no funds for marketing, so doing the best I can and spreading the word will always be a plus. I actually received an incredible comment the other day:

"Could this book surpass the reality of "Ghost Rider"? Could it be the modern updated" Travels with Charley " and" Blue Highways"? Yes on all counts. A must read. Even more than once."

Of course as everything else, it is a matter of taste!

We will be pushing Northwest next week, we have to be in Portland by the 31st while we will be traveling a while with our Editor and showing her some of this beautiful country.

Thank You always for your support throughout this Journey of ours.

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

8th Year, the Stars, living under them… The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"

A bit of past and present Urbanism. Montana

Today's News? Well, they are always all over the place, one in particular disturbed me greatly. You can read about it in our Journal.

In the meantime we hovered for quite a few days within past History between Virginia City, Nevada City, Alder, Twin Bridges and as far as Dillon. Weekdays are great as the streets are deserted and the locals are eager to tell their stories. Just as it use to be in past times when Internet was not present. Those stories are the joys while being on the road throughout our very slow pace.

The roads themselves are often lined up with antiquities from those past times. Some refurbished and some, maybe while running out of money, left as it for Mother time to take her toll. They will not be around for too much longer. There are already I noticed some which have disappeared and glad a few years back I had taken some photos of such dwelling. Today is a Hotel, a restaurant and too often nothing at all. Just a piece of dirt with no signature from what was standing sometimes not so tall.

The good "holes in the walls" places to eat are luckily still around like the white Taco Bus in Dillon. Their flavors have not gone away. A good thing as even the faces looked familiar.

Slowly it is on to the West Coast, the Pacific Ocean while we will soon land in the Olympic Peninsula including Neah Bay. Hopefully I will not notice too many changes. They would be a discrepancy with our Book!

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

[url] The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"
8th Year, the Stars, living under them…

The Olympic Peninsula. WA

It was rough going through Portland and leaving behind Palouse Country. Cities and us do not get along very well. A great lunch with a Friend not seen in years did make it worthwhile as also picking up our Editor to show her a bit of the country for a couple weeks. All arranged and preplanned with motels and campgrounds near each other. Olympic Peninsula has been our first stop, in Liliwaup to be more precise. The space is magical with it's rain forests filled with trees covered with moss, streams here and there and the highlight being Neah Bay including the hike to Cape Flattery which is the most western point of the country. The sight of an Island off shore with its lighthouse made me want that job!

The sea food is great including the fresh oysters which do not come my way too often.

The days are filled with conversations, remembrances on all the "hick ups" we went through while editing and proofing "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash" for six months daily without a single break. I don't know if we could do it again! But we will. A Photo Coffee Table Book this winter hopefully. 60 photos with descriptions, quotes and maps for each of them. Winters in Texas are good for such projects which in this case will not be as demanding. It will eventually be available "print on demand" only. Such books do not come by inexpensively. Just a "thing" I have been wanting to do for quite a while.

Tomorrow we head out towards Halfway and Hell's Canyon, Oregon, for a few more days. There is no doubt this path is bringing back quite a few memories from years past. Good ones.

Enjoy the hike and the photos in the Journal.

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"

8th Year, the Stars, living under them…
We got stuck in bad traffic the last time we were in Portland, visiting relatives. It was bad going into Portland, then even worse when trying to get out again. Still, an interesting city with more spots I'd like to see.

enjoy your time in the PNW!

Spirit finally got a job!!!

Dropping South to Utah...

Chaperoning our Book Editor for 12 days is done as we dropped her off at the Portland Airport. We saw Neah Bay, camped on the Hood Canal, backtracked through Portland to the little town of Halfway [Oregon], rode Hell's Canyon with Spirit as she herself shopped around. A good time I must say filled with Life's conversations. An unusual setting for us to have company, a nice one.

Too hot to yet drop to "The Oasis" we stopped in Utah. We are now in and around Moab while we rode up and down, again [!], Potash Road and Shafer Trail. I just cannot get away from that road. We will be moving on to Muley Point and Valley of the Gods, a good time for fall if fall ever arrives as it was 92 in the shade yesterday. Lower 80's today, there is hope for cooler temperatures.

The spaces are now empty as Labor Day has passed on and everyone is back home on their own regular schedules. We have it all to ourselves. Almost.

As every year I am looking forward to arriving at "The Oasis". A shipping container, fire pits, water catchment and continue our conversations with my Mother and Lance. Many locals roads to ride again and from what I have seen from others the sunsets have been incredible.

For those who have purchased our book "Freedom On Both Ends Of The Leash", either through us or Amazon or electronically, I hope you have enjoyed it. For those who have not, I can only hope you do...

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"

8th Year, the Stars, living under them…

Thank You "Life".

End of summer as I felt fall for the first time with cold hands and finding myself wearing a sweater. All so welcomed. Such freedom I have been thinking while laying on the ground one night, a couple nights ago in Valley of the Gods and watching the stars while seemingly the sky lowering itself and taking me in.

A rare freedom, a luxury. Have we earned it? I found that out when after taking refuge in Bluff for a couple days due to threats of flash flood warnings, while headed back this time to the Gooseneck I suddenly made a U Turn and here we are only a 100 miles from The Oasis, Texas! How can a space where we have already spent five winters call me, pull me so strongly? No arguments on my end, only checking the weather as low eighties will be doable.

The excitement is at its height, if not more than the first time! I know I will be breathing deeper than ever and I cannot help calling it "Home". Home Base is not even a word strong enough anymore.

We are spending a couple nights in Marfa seeing a good Friend of mine. An Author of many books, yet we did not solve anything regarding this fabric of Life we deal with daily. I personally have come to the conclusion that so many questions only have no answers. It is that simple while being "Thankful" towards this path such has put us on, Spirit and I together as one.

I feel as there will be much to do when we arrive and that is not true. There will be right then and there nothing to do, only for the mind to take it all in and conversate with Lance and my Mother who I am sure have been awaiting our return.

How exciting!Can you tell he is still happy?

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"

8th Year, the Stars, living under them…

Lazy days at "The Oasis", Texas...

What can I say? After taking refuge in Bluff, Utah, due to flash flood warnings [which I take very seriously], on our way West back to the Gooseneck and Valley of the Gods the little voice in me [sometimes not so little!] told me to get back here... as we did. The forecast was a bit on the warm side for afternoons but today is the last of the 90's we will see and feel for a while. Very doable as the mornings have been cool and even colder throughout the nights.

I have been lazy since arriving here. Riding endlessly those roads we missed so much, star gazing after the few days of fuller Moon, playing with my Buddy who always regains his freedom here running in circle like a madman!

The conclusion always, as appealing is being on the road, a Home Base is needed throughout the year. The outside world has its boundaries here. I am only interested in Mother Nature's politics, its beauty and offerings which are so many surrounding us. Glued eyes on a screen is not my preferred pass-time. I will not be running for Mayor anytime soon...

Tomorrow I will force ourselves to get on a bit further. All is just too comfy here and we don't need to be on the lookout for a black truck passing by a few times an hour or a blown up and smoldering met lab which are events happened recently further North. Pretty incredible how even the spaces containing solitude are changing every year.

Reading, [have you read our Book yet?], riding, cooking, playing... That about sums it up for now. More photos on our Journal.

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"

8th Year, the Stars, living under them…
I have your book, but still have not found the time to read it. Maybe the next trip out.

Take care
I have your book, but still have not found the time to read it. Maybe the next trip out.

Take care

Time is of essence... always.


Timeless Zone in Big Bend, Texas.

A big decision was facing me all summer. Where would we live some day when this body dwindled down as already the rough off roads are slowly being a thing of the past. Mainly for summer times as winter here at "The Oasis" is unequaled. Land up North above 9000 feet to keep us cool escaped me as an option. These 10 acres here, all paid for, has become the solution. We shall built something as a roof, we shall have a little home as a small camper, some more solar, water catchment, a larger generator for those hot summer days when those times arrive. That one day... I have it all written and photographed in a couple entries in our Journal. It is all there... Not finished yet of course but it is all getting there. You will have to go back one entry to see how it is all shaping up.

In the meantime as every Sunday comes by I know exactly how long we have already been here and that fact alone amazes me. Is it time flying away as one gets up in age? Or is it this Big Bend area which has a total disregard towards a calendar? I must say it is pretty amazing.

The "Day of the Dead" celebration has also come and gone where we attended for a couple hours. More photos on the last entry of ours.

A bit of rain finally, cooler weather dropping from the 90's to the 60's and 70's. It is here the definition of perfection.

Enjoy... we are.

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"

8th Year, the Stars, living under them…

Making a Home in Big Bend... Texas that is.

Where do I begin? as "The Oasis", here, once again works its magic in the center of this Texas Desert.

As the years have gone by on the road, the thought of the ones ahead of us has made its mark. Some day we will need a Home, it is inevitable, as a good Friend of mine wrote me. Where else could it be but here?

Sure, summers are hot [but dry] and the decision to have a roof here has turned into a reality. A 25 x 40 shelter, a little camper right next to a 10 x 14 prefab cabin. Much solar, 4000 gallons of water catchment, a powerful generator, some sort of a basic outdoor kitchen, [meaning just a long table!], better Internet, it is all taking shape all in photos in a couple previous entries in our Journal.

Now is however the time to walk away from it and once again balance out our time between Nature and those components that have been going up. I am realizing that it could be endless as the days here within this space which more than anything else feels as an Island for us. One that can provide all our needs present and future.

Big Bend Park provided its magic the other day. A breather from shoveling dirt or nailing some boards and wiring this and that.

I feel as this winter is going to fly by, lets see how much heat we can handle when Spring returns. Colorado is never too far!

Enjoy the photos. It is Life "off the grid".

Happy "Thanksgiving" day.

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"

9th Year, the Stars, living under them… The Photos

Coming to terms with the future. Big Bend. TX

I feel as I have traded "Old Faithful" for a skill saw, drill, jigsaw, plywood, shovel, rake, you name it! And I have part time. Undertaking a permanent [a hard word to pronounce!] home for the future is a task I am discovering will take more time than I thought. Especially while doing most of it myself having never done such work before. I have the utmost respect for carpenters lately! That is an art I do not possess or have any experience with.

Yet, we manage to get away within these three million acres which constantly stare at us, call our name while the weather is still perfect meaning a short sleeve T shirt is the norm. The stress of finishing it all is behind me, it will get done when it gets done. The discoveries on those roads traveled dozens of times are still present as even Terlingua offers new sights, new stores and people passing by or moving in. A donut shop open on the weekends! That is big for here... and good!

Spirit continues to roam around freely. This space is also his paradise where there is no leash. We walk the land seeing the changes after the storms, new paths, vegetation dying from the past summer heat and the ones thriving from the recent rains. It is a constant change on this stage we discovered in years past. Who would have ever known this would change from a home base to some day where we will rest when this body gets too tired from roaming around this huge country we live in. I don't have to come to terms with that notion, not yet. I do think however I am doing the right thing.

I am also still working on our Photo Coffee Table Book. Probably will be another couple months until that one is ready, that task also turns out not to be as easy as I thought. In the meantime "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash" is still available on our Journal, on Amazon and in all electronic formats.

Enjoy and stay well. Happy upcoming Holidays... just in case we do not make it back here before.

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"

9th Year, the Stars, living under them… The Photos
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