Fly In. Camp out.


Senior Staff
Here at Adventurist Life, we have categories for the various modalities adventurists like us use in our pursuits. Drive, Hike, Paddle, Ride, and so on. You see these represented in our shirts, hats, patches, and such, in the form of the steering wheel, boot prints, paddles, and a bicycle wheel.
What we haven’t yet used is our ZOMG category. It’s reserved for more of the jaw-dropping, er-mah-gerd-type stuff. Today, we’re excited to bring you our first such story. It’s a conversation with a guy who, with his co-pilot Maverick, flies his airplane into remote lakes in Ontario to camp out on an almost weekly basis.
For starters, can you tell me a little bit about yourself? Where you’re located, what you do for a living? (Be sure to mention your co-pilot!)
I live in Kitchener, Ontario and I am the Director of Engineering for a company called Maluuba. Maverick is a year and a half years old and he...

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