2014 SoCal Mountain Rendezvous Swap Meet: Official Thread

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Brand new 21.5" 120w spot LED bar w/mounts from ebay. $70

Tacoma - who's the mfg on the LED bar. May be interested if width will fit between the vertical bars on my 80 series ARB bumper.
Tacoma - who's the mfg on the LED bar. May be interested if width will fit between the vertical bars on my 80 series ARB bumper.

Its a no brand eBay led. Its as bright as my 2 7" kragen hids, just didn't have as good of a spread because its a spot vs euro pattern. Look for me in a white 1st taco. You can try it on your bumper. It fits in between my 1st gen taco's arb bumper. We can hook it up to a battery too if you want. It
anybody going up from the San Gabriel area?

I am actually going to head to Frazier park but wanted to buy something from someone. If I send Paypal you think you could grab it and I pick it up from you at your leisure?
I am actually going to head to Frazier park but wanted to buy something from someone. If I send Paypal you think you could grab it and I pick it up from you at your leisure?

I make the commute 5 days a week, no problem picking stuff up for you
I am actually going to head to Frazier park but wanted to buy something from someone. If I send Paypal you think you could grab it and I pick it up from you at your leisure?

I'm heading up tonight and returing Sat. morning. Im in the SGV area. Let me know if you still need the item to be retrieved from MRV?
I want a few things, must resist, cutting into hunting fund.

Brett C.
IronworksTactical.com - owner
Dave, I'll take the inflatable.

OK Houston we have a problem... With raffle stuff and everything else... I have no room to bring it - sorry.


I'll give it to you free if you come get it sometime :)
Banks power gist certificate

Hi, I have $300 (three of one hundred each one) in gift certificates from Banks Power. I don't have a diesel truck and I don't have plan to have one for now.
Give me the value of the two gift certificate and get the third free :)

Buccaneer Portable Charcoal Grill

This is a brand new (never been open) tailgating cooler and barbecue.

On line price is $159.99 at TARGET. $60 is a fear price.

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